RTL Alliance has sold 100% of its tokens

RTL Alliance has sold 100% of its tokens

RTL Alliance sold 100% of its tokens in just four months from the listing. Thus, the annual circulation was sold out three times faster than it is usually planned.

— The fast Sold Out of tokens indicates the stable growth of RTL Alliance. Along with a high BBB credit rating, this reflects the company's good creditworthiness as well as low investment risks. We are pleased that RTL Alliance is the only logistics company in the region that has been able to achieve this. Thus, we have shown that logistics today is a “new IT”, an industry that has also received digitalization,” says Gennadiy Gogeniya (CEO, RTL Alliance).

The company issued its own RTLALLIANCE_(USD_324) tokens as part of the ICO with a nominal interest rate of 15% per annum in US dollars in July this year. Tokens were issued in the amount of 10,000 units, with a face value of 20 USD.sc.

The tokens were placed in order to attract funding for a further intensive increase in the volume of cargo transportation, the creation of our own digital logistics platform and the development of a network of regional offices in the Central Asian region, which is one of the most promising.

RTL Alliance

RTL Alliance is an international logistics group of companies that has been operating since 2012 and is one of the market leaders in the field of multimodal and rail logistics. This confirms the status of the Best Multimodal Freight Forwarder of the Year according to the BAIF Association.

RTL Alliance is also a member of the FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarding Associations and holds the ISO 9001:2015 international certification in the field of freight forwarding. The company is actively developing in the field of LogTech.